General information
Procurement Number RFQ.202401.00019
Job description* Pengadaan Jasa Konsultan Manajement Konstruksi
Contrac Type LUMPSUM
Classification of Participants MICRO, SMALL, MEDIUM, BIG
Registration Currency IDR
Send Quotation Start Date 2024-01-30 - 09:00:06
Send Quotation End Date 2024-02-01 - 17:00:06
Date of Quotation's Document Opening 2024-02-02 - 09:00:06
Status Closed
Procurement Items
Service Item Code Description amount Unit
7210000056 jasa konsultan manajemen konstruksi ; URAIAN JASA : jasa konsultan manajemen konstruksi 6 LOT
Additional Information
  1. The information above is a summary, for the complete information was stated in the procurement document which will be submitted to the procurement participants.
  2. PNM has the rights at any time to cancel or delay the procurement process and for that actions, the service provider will liberate PNM from all claims and lawsuits in any form.